What was the first computer virus in the world

What was the first computer virus in the world ILOVEYOU Virus

The first computer virus in the Philippines is known as the “ILOVEYOU” virus, also referred to as the “Love Bug” or “Loveletter” virus. It emerged on May 4, 2000, and quickly spread globally, affecting over ten million Windows personal computers.

The virus was created by a Filipino computer programmer named Onel de Guzman, who incorporated it into the source code he submitted for his final thesis while studying as an undergraduate computer student at the AMA Computer College. 

The “ILOVEYOU” virus caused widespread computer damage, affecting approximately 10% of people with computers connected to the internet and resulting in 50 million infections. The impact of the virus caused between 5 and 8.7 billion US dollars in damages. The incident raised awareness about the need for legislation to address cybercrime in the Philippines and other countries1. Despite suspicions of creating the virus, no charges were pressed against Onel de Guzman, as there were no relevant laws in place at that time. The “ILOVEYOU” virus is considered one of the top ten most virulent computer viruses in history.



The first computer virus in the Philippines is known as the “ILOVEYOU” virus, which emerged on May 4, 2000, and quickly spread globally, affecting over ten million Windows personal computers.

It was created by a Filipino computer programmer named Onel de Guzman, who incorporated it into the source code he submitted for his final thesis while studying as an undergraduate computer student at the AMA Computer College. The virus spread via email with the subject line “ILOVEYOU” and a message to check the attached “LOVELETTER.” When the attachment was opened, the virus sent copies of itself to everyone in the recipient’s address book.

The impact of the virus caused between 5 and 8.7 billion US dollars in damages and prompted the global cybersecurity community to take notice. Despite suspicions of creating the virus, no charges were pressed against Onel de Guzman, as there were no relevant laws in place at that time. The “ILOVEYOU” virus is considered one of the top ten most virulent computer viruses in history.

First computer virus was developed in the year

The first computer virus was developed in 1971 by Bob Thomas of BBN. The virus, called Creeper, was actually designed as a security test to see if a self-replicating program was possible. It had no malicious intent and only displayed a simple message: “I’M THE CREEPER. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!” GAMES.

First Computer Virus Protection

The first antivirus software is often considered to be “The Reaper,” which was designed to eliminate the first computer worm known as “Creeper” in 1971. The Creeper was an experimental computer program written by Bob Thomas at BBN, and it was the first computer worm, while Reaper was the first antivirus software, designed to eliminate Creeper.

The Reaper was very effective in its purpose: as soon as it detected Creeper’s attack, it removed it from the system. However, the exact origins of the first antivirus are disputed, and there are competing claims for the innovator of the first antivirus product. The emergence of antivirus software as we know it came about in the mid-to-late 1980s’ with major players like John McAfee and others playing key roles in the fast-approaching booming cybersecurity industry.

Antivirus software has evolved to protect against not only computer viruses but also different kinds of malware such as spyware, ransomware, adware, trojans, and ransom hijackers. The traditional antivirus products of the ’90s were typically one-dimensional products that relied on signatures to identify viruses, but the sheer volume of devices and sophistication of threats out there means the whole nature of cybersecurity protection has had to evolve

The First Computer Virus In The Philippines – ILOVEYOU …

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