Biology practical questions and answers

Biology practical questions and answers

Here are some biology practical questions and answers based on the search results:

  1. Control vs. Control Variables: In an experiment, independent variables are the factors that you change to observe their effect on the dependent variables. Dependent variables are the results of the experiment. Control variables are factors that you keep the same throughout the entire experiment to ensure high validity for your results. The point of this is to control for any external factors that might influence the outcome of the experiment.
  2. Photosynthesis: The net effect of photosynthesis, chemically, is reduction, leading to the formation of oxygen and carbohydrates.
  3. Cell Membrane: A cell membrane is semipermeable, meaning it allows some substances to pass through while restricting others.
  4. Cellular Reactions: A cell uses enzymes to accelerate chemical reactions enabling its metabolic machinery to operate.
  5. Heredity: The functional unit of heredity is the gene.
  6. DNA: DNA exists in the form of double strands of DNA coiled about each other.
  7. Meiosis: When sexual reproduction occurs in multicellular organisms, a process takes place before cells fuse whereby a cell is left with half of its chromosomes, enabling the creation of a cell with a characteristic chromosome number. This process is called meiosis.
  8. Biological Classification: The largest group of biological classification is the kingdom.

These questions and answers are just a few examples of what you might encounter in a biology practical exam. To prepare for such an exam, it is essential to review your notes and textbook, organize your thoughts, and practice answering different types of questions related to various biology topics.

Mastering Biology Practical Questions: Tips and Answers

Mastering Biology practical questions are designed to help students apply their theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios and improve their understanding of biological concepts. Here are some tips for success in mastering biology practicals:

  1. Understand the theory: It is important to understand the theoretical background behind each experiment, as this will help you be more conscious of what’s happening in the lab. Familiarizing yourself with the relevant concepts will give you an edge when designing experiments or interpreting results.
  2. Make use of diagrams: Visualizing each step of the experiment and understanding the tools or materials required can help mentally prepare for each stage and ensure synchronization with the intended process.
  3. Identify what could go wrong: Paying attention to the details of each experiment and noting down all steps can help prevent mistakes during the practical examination.

Biology practical questions can be quite tricky to answer, as they require an in-depth understanding of the subject. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Read the instructions carefully.
  2. Research the topic.
  3. Make a plan.
  4. Perform the experiment.

By completing practical questions, students can become more familiar with the processes and methods used in biology, which can help them develop a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.

High School Biology Practice Tests

There are several resources available for high school biology practice tests. Varsity Tutors offers free diagnostic tests and practice tests for high school biology, which can help students identify areas where they need to improve and provide detailed explanations for each question. “” also offers practice test questions and a final exam for high school biology. Additionally, some states, such as Massachusetts, provide practice tests for their state-specific high school biology exams.

Science Bowl Practice Questions – Biology

The search results provide several resources for practicing biology questions for the Science Bowl competition. These include:

  • A PDF document with practice questions, including a short answer question asking for the molecule that is the energy source for virtually all of the work done by the cell (answer: ATP).
  • A website with practice questions for the DOE National Science Bowl, including biology questions for high school students.
  • A PDF document with a variety of biology questions, including multiple choice and short answer questions on topics such as genetics, anatomy, and ecology.
  • A website with sample questions used at regional competitions in previous years, including sets of questions from different rounds and categories.
  • A PDF document with a multiple choice question asking for the maximum number of ATP molecules generated from the complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose (answer: 58).

These resources can be used to practice and prepare for the biology portion of the Science Bowl competition.

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Biology Specimens in WAEC 2023

The WAEC 2023 Biology practical specimens include:

  • Specimen A: Mature fresh eggs of a catfish
  • Specimen B: Fresh egg of a domestic fowl (raw, with shell intact)
  • Specimen C: Picture/model/chart of uterus containing a foetus
  • Specimen D: Longitudinal section of ovary of Pride of Barbados flower
  • Specimen E: Leaf of Pride of Barbados flower
  • Specimen F: Panicum plant/Guinea grass (whole plant)
  • Specimen G: Cocoyam plant/Caladium
    These specimens are used for the biology practical exam, and candidates are expected to study and use them to answer specific questions. For further details and explanations, candidates can refer to the official WAEC materials or resources provided by their educational institutions.

Exploring the World of Neurobiology: A Deep Dive into the Latest Specimens and Techniques in 2023

Neurobiology is a rapidly evolving field that seeks to understand the complex workings of the nervous system. In 2023, there are several exciting developments in the world of neurobiology, including new specimens and techniques that are shedding light on the brain’s inner workings. This article will explore some of the latest advancements in neurobiology and the techniques used to study them.

Latest Specimens in Neurobiology

One of the most exciting developments in neurobiology is the discovery of new specimens that are helping researchers better understand the brain. For example, researchers have recently discovered a new type of neuron called the rosehip neuron, which is found in the human brain and is thought to play a role in learning and memory. Another recent discovery is the existence of a previously unknown type of glial cell called the “astrocyte-like cell,” which is found in the brains of mice and may play a role in regulating blood flow to the brain.

Techniques in Neurobiology

Advancements in technology have also led to new techniques for studying the brain. One such technique is optogenetics, which involves using light to control the activity of neurons in the brain. This technique has been used to study a wide range of brain functions, including memory, learning, and addiction. Another technique that is gaining popularity is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which allows researchers to visualize changes in blood flow in the brain in response to different stimuli. This technique has been used to study a wide range of brain functions, including emotion, perception, and decision-making.

Neuroscience 2023

Neuroscience 2023 is a conference that brings together scientists from around the world to share their research and discuss the latest advancements in the field of neurobiology. The conference will be held in Washington, D.C. from November 11-15, 2023, and will feature a wide range of sessions and events, including poster presentations, symposia, and workshops. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with other scientists, present their research, and learn about the latest techniques and specimens in neurobiology.


In conclusion, the field of neurobiology is constantly evolving, with new specimens and techniques being discovered all the time. The latest advancements in neurobiology are shedding light on the complex workings of the nervous system and may one day lead to new treatments for neurological disorders. Neuroscience 2023 is an excellent opportunity for scientists to share their research and learn about the latest developments in the field.

More Info: WAEC GCE Biology Specimen for 2023 Practical Answers …

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