Error establishing a redis connection

Error establishing a redis connection

Is a common error that can occur when using Redis as a caching mechanism for web applications. Redis is an in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. When Redis is used as a cache, it can improve the performance of web applications by reducing the number of database queries required to generate a page. However, if there is an issue with the Redis connection, it can cause the “Error establishing a Redis connection” error to occur.

There are several reasons why this error can occur, including issues with the Redis server, incorrect configuration settings, or problems with the Redis client library. In this article, we will explore the various causes of this error and provide solutions to help you resolve it.

Causes of the “Error establishing a Redis connection” Error

Redis Server Issues

One of the most common causes of the “Error establishing a Redis connection” error is an issue with the Redis server. This can occur if the Redis server is not running, or if there is a problem with the network connection between the Redis server and the client.To check if the Redis server is running, you can use the following command:

redis-cli ping If the Redis server is running, you should see the following response:


PONG If you receive a “Connection refused” error, it means that the Redis server is not running or is not accessible from the client.

Incorrect Configuration Settings

Another common cause of the “Error establishing a Redis connection” error is incorrect configuration settings. This can occur if the Redis server address or port number is incorrect, or if the Redis client library is not configured correctly.To check if the Redis server address and port number are correct, you can look at the configuration file for your web application. In WordPress, for example, the Redis configuration settings are stored in the wp-config.php file. You should see the following lines in the file:

define('WP_REDIS_HOST', ''); define('WP_REDIS_PORT', '6379'); Make sure that the Redis server address and port number match the values in the configuration file.

Problems with the Redis Client Library

Finally, the “Error establishing a Redis connection” error can occur if there is a problem with the Redis client library. This can occur if the client library is outdated or incompatible with the version of Redis that you are using.To resolve this issue, you can try updating the Redis client library to the latest version. You can also try using a different Redis client library to see if that resolves the issue.

Solutions to the “Error establishing a Redis connection” Error

Increase Redis Timeouts

One solution to the “Error establishing a Redis connection” error is to increase the Redis timeouts. This can be done by adding the following lines to your web application’s configuration file:

define('WP_REDIS_TIMEOUT', 2); define('WP_REDIS_READ_TIMEOUT', 2); These lines set the connection and read/write timeouts to 2 seconds. You can adjust the timeout values as needed.

Allocate More RAM to Redis

Another solution to the “Error establishing a Redis connection” error is to allocate more RAM to Redis. This can be done by increasing the amount of RAM available to the Redis server, or by reducing the amount of RAM used by other processes on the server.

Upgrade to a Newer Version of Redis

If you are using an older version of Redis, upgrading to a newer version may help resolve the “Error establishing a Redis connection” error. Newer versions of Redis may have bug fixes or performance improvements that can help improve the stability of the Redis server.

Use a Different Redis Client Library

If you are experiencing issues with the Redis client library, you can try using a different client library to see if that resolves the issue. There are several Redis client libraries available for different programming languages, so you may be able to find one that is more compatible with your web application.



The “Error establishing a Redis connection” error can be frustrating to deal with, but there are several solutions available to help you resolve it. By checking for Redis server issues, verifying your configuration settings, and troubleshooting problems with the Redis client library, you can get your web application back up and running smoothly.


Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin …

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