The Malta Guinness Mystery: Investigating the Fake of Our Beverages

In recent times, the consumption of fake products has become a concerning issue, especially in the beverage industry. A recent report suggests that a truck of Malta Guinness was bought from Guinness, and upon opening the pack, 12 genuine cans were found to be replaced with 12 fake cans produced by the buyers. This practice seems to be prevalent around the Tradefair in Lagos State.

The Investigation

The Lagos State Government has been cracking down on environmental infractions, shutting down markets and businesses that fail to comply with environmental laws. 

In October 2023, the government sealed sections of the Alaba International Market and the Trade Fair Market due to poor waste disposal practices, nonpayment for waste disposal, and general environmental sanitation infractions. 


The enforcement was carried out by officials of the Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) in partnership with the Lagos Task Force on Environmental Sanitation and Special Offenses.

The Impact

The sealing of these markets has had a significant impact on the businesses operating within them.

The electronics section, fancy section, and furniture section in Alaba International Market were among the areas sealed by LAWMA5. This has led to a loss of income for the affected businesses and disrupted the supply chain for legitimate products.

The Solution

To address this issue, it is crucial to raise awareness about the dangers of consuming fake products and the importance of proper waste disposal and environmental sanitation. The Lagos State Government has been enforcing regulations to ensure compliance with environmental laws, but more efforts are needed to educate the public about the risks associated with consuming fake products.

In conclusion, the consumption of fake products is a growing concern that needs to be addressed through increased awareness, education, and strict enforcement of environmental laws. By working together, the government, businesses, and consumers can help create a safer and more sustainable environment for all.

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